14 minutes.
ARM is introduced
26 minutes.
Understand CISC and RISC
9 minutes.
Understand modes of ARM
7 minutes.
Understand features of ARM
17 minutes.
Explore ARM Cortex A
3 minutes.
Explore ARM Cortex R
2 minutes.
Explore ARM Cortex M
19 minutes.
Understand the Cache Memory
13 minutes.
Explore the floating point unit
21 minutes.
Understand ARM Cortex A5
26 minutes.
Explore the capabilities of ARM Cortex M4
17 minutes.
Explore memory mapping of ARM
38 minutes.
41 minutes.
Understand Arm memory stack
3 minutes.
Learn how to Set up STM32CUBE IDE
14 minutes.
Explore the capabilities of LCD technology
35 minutes.
Write Bare metal code for the LCD
17 minutes.
Understand how UART works
35 minutes.
Write code for UART
16 minutes.
Write code for UART
17 minutes.
Finalize code for UART